Report a Data Incident

At GW, we are committed to protecting the privacy and integrity of data collected, created, stored and transmitted by the University and its affiliates.

All members of GW community, with access to GW systems and information, are responsible for reporting any suspected or actual data incidents, and upholding university privacy policies and practices.

A data incident may involve:

  • a lost or stolen computer or other device containing university non-public information;
  • electronic files mistakenly posted on the Web or e-mailed to the wrong recipients;
  • theft, misuse or unauthorized access to Personal Information by unauthorized individuals;
  • computer or technology- based violations;
  • paper documents that are stolen, lost, misdirected, or left vulnerable to unauthorized acquisition.

Use the form below to report a suspected or actual data incident involving University non-public information—whether the information potentially exposed is on a computer, in our storage systems, in paper format, on the web, etc.

We will investigate your report, and work with the appropriate University Departments to remediate the issue, and notify the affected parties.

Information about the data incident or suspected data breach